Episode 112


E112 - Philosophy, Strategy and REITs with David Stein


David Stein is the founder of the Money For the Rest of Us. Since 2014, he has  hosted the Money For the Rest of Us investing podcast. He also oversees Money for the Rest of Us Plus, the premier investment education platform that provides professional-grade portfolio tools and training to help investors manage their investment portfolios. He is also the author of Money for the Rest of Us: 10 Questions to Master Successful Investing. Previously, David was an institutional investment advisor and asset manager.

In this episode, Tyler and David's discussion focused on investment philosophy, strategy and REITs. They discussed David's long-term investment philosophy, investment strategy, return drivers, the mindset of the most successful investors, the two types of REITs and the disconnect in cap rates in the private real estate market versus the REIT market.

Other topics included cryptocurrencies, the future of the dollar and why it won't be replaced, the emotional transition of leaving a job, applying feedback, a multidisciplinary learning approach and more!

Connect with David:


The following books were mentioned in the show:

The Money for the Rest of Us, by David Stein
Soloing, by Harriet Rubin
Unknown Craftsmen, by Soetsu Yanagi

Apply for coaching with Tyler! The world's top performers in any field have a coach to help them achieve drastically greater results and in less time. The most successful real estate investors are no different. To apply for a results coaching session with Tyler, visit coachwithtyler.com.

This episode of Elevate is brought to you by CF Capital LLC, a national real estate investment firm that focuses on acquiring and operating multifamily assets that provide stable cash flow, capital appreciation, and a margin of safety. CF Capital leverages its expertise in acquisitions and management to provide investors with superior risk-adjusted returns while placing a premium on preserving capital. Learn more at cfcapllc.com.


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