Mental toughness is one of the most vital elements to success in real estate. And because It is inevitable that we’ll meet challenges and problems pursuing our real estate objectives, developing mental toughness and growing thick skin can become key to rising above adversity and achieving our life and business goals.
Join me today in another Elevate exclusive episode where we share ideas on how to build a strong and sound mind to reach mental toughness. Let’s take a look at what it means to have thick skin and discover why having thick skin is a positive character trait, especially in the real estate business. Let me share with you the 6-step approach to getting thick skin and developing mental toughness to help you navigate your investing journey.
Key Points from This Episode:
Tyler introduces the episode’s topic - using the power of mental toughness and developing a thick skin to achieve success in real estate.
Tyler defines and enumerates the characteristics of a “thick-skinned” person that augurs well for real estate entrepreneurs.
He emphasizes that problems and adversity in real estate are inevitable so developing mental toughness is crucial.
Examples of challenges and problems in real estate that can be overcome by developing a thick skin and mental toughness
The 6-step approach to developing a thick skin and mental toughness
Tyler’s challenge to conquer your inner game and cultivate mental toughness
“Resilience and persistence are going to be critical to real estate success.” - Tyler Chesser“
Mental toughness is the centerpiece of achieving what we want to achieve in real estate.” - Tyler Chesser
“If you are thick-skinned, you don't let failure or disappointment get you down. You keep believing in yourself and moving forward.” - Tyler Chesser
“Just because you're thick-skinned, that doesn't mean that you have no emotions, it just means you have a strategy for dealing with failures, and use it to your advantage.” - Tyler Chesser
“Conquer adversity through mental toughness, or what I would describe as a theoretical thick skin.” - Tyler Chesser
"Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory." - Bill Russell
"If you are running a business anywhere in the world, people who really do well are the people who have mental toughness." - Robert Kraft
“Pause before you react.” - Tyler Chesser
“Persistence and resilience are the core to being mentally tough and to having thick skin.” - Tyler Chesser
"Successful people have fear, successful people have doubts, and successful people have worries. They just don't let these feelings stop them." - T. Harv Eker
"It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves." - Sir Edmund Hillary
“The most powerful game to conquer is the inner game.” - Tyler Chesser
Links Mentioned:
"Rhinoceros Success" by Scott Alexander
"Fear Setting" TED Talk by Tim Ferriss
Download Raising The Bar
Are you a real estate investor looking to elevate your income, freedom & lifestyle? If so, optimize your daily performance by downloading our free guide, Raising the Bar - 5 Steps to Elevate Your Habits, at
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Get your free copy at and kick-start your new habits today. Your future self will thank you!
Brought to You By CF Capital
This episode of Elevate is brought to you by CF Capital, a national real estate investment firm. CF Capital’s mission is to provide property investment and asset management solutions to help investors like you maximize their returns by investing in high-value multifamily communities.
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